March 18, 2018

HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties

Found a good summary of HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties in Angular documentation:

Attributes are defined by HTML. Properties are defined by the DOM (Document Object Model).
  • A few HTML attributes have 1:1 mapping to properties. id is one example.
  • Some HTML attributes don't have corresponding properties. colspan is one example.
  • Some DOM properties don't have corresponding attributes. textContent is one example.
  • Many HTML attributes appear to map to properties ... but not in the way you might think! [such as disabled attribute]

Some more info on MDN's Content vs. IDL Attributes, and W3C Web IDL spec.

Additional notes:

  • Attributes are initial values. I wonder if that's how HTML form's reset functionality was implemented.
  • Aria attributes (used for accessibility) do not have corresponding properties.
  • disabled attribute, doesn't have a value, so the mere presence of the attribute sets it disabled. However, the DOM property for disabled has a boolean value.
  • JavaScript/DOM has methods to specifically work on attributes, e.g., getAttribute().

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